PERSONAL WELLNESS SERVICES are by appointment and are tailored to your specific needs. All practitioners are responsibly-trained and holistically-oriented.
Phone 828-628-1706 to schedule an appointment. Services may be purchased from our Online Shop. If you are buying a service for another person, please call or email us with that person’s name.
1 Hour Reiki Treatment $65 ($80 in home or hospital*)
1 1/2 Hour Reiki Treatment $95 ($110 in home or hospital*)
1 Hour Foot Reflexology Session $65 (in studio only*)
*We offer a cash/check discount of $5 per session. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Herb Walks (on your property) $20 per hour** Our herbalist will walk your property with you to discover what medicinal plants grow near you. She will place flags to mark your plants so that you can watch them grow throughout the seasons.
**A travel charge of $10 will be added for trips greater than 25 miles.
Seasonal HERBAL CLASSES are scheduled each year. Please see the schedule on appropriate pages.
Please call The Labyrinth Center at 828-628-1706
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