Labyrinth Center Blog

Health and Beauty: Reiki, Massage Therapy, Herbal Remedies & Classes


It always amazes me to find green plants hiding in sheltered corners and under piles of leaves.  Even in the winter, a fresh green drink is possible, using wild plants. The fact that they are tenaciously hanging on encourages me that I can make it through winter too. So good!

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LOVE is ALL there is!

Are you in love? I hope so. Give your Valentine a package of Fred’s Formulas “Dream Bath” bags, and the dreams that result may surprise both of you! Mugwort, Lavender, and Frankincense stimulate beautiful dreams. Steep a bag in your bathwater, then steep yourself, and dream big!

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My Grandpa made a salve many years ago that had powerful drawing power.  It could pull out a bee stinger, a splinter, or a nasty infection. It had yellow dock, plantain, and burdock, and pine pitch in it, but it also had a lot of animal products. I would like to find a drawing salve recipe that is all plant based.  Does anyone have one to share? Thanks, Betty.

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Today is when I celebrate the “turning of the wheel”—I know that after today, the nights will get shorter, and the days will get longer. Nature is my teacher, and right now she says, “rest, dream, plan.” A massage would be so nice. Yes? Gift certificates are available in our online  shop!
Call Betty to schedule an appointment at 828-628-1706.

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Happy Winter Holidays! Though I don’t subscribe to the “buy-buy-buy” mentality, I know how meaningful a thoughtful little gift can be.  I like to give our mail person, favorite waitress, and trash man an Aromatherapy Spritzer or Not Just Lip Balm to let them know I appreciate what they do.

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If you seem to catch every bug going around, you might want to improve your immune system.  Now would be a good time to give yourself a cycle of Fred’s Formulas Deep Immune blend. I recommend at least a 3-month cycle to boost your own defenses.


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