Labyrinth Center Blog

Health and Beauty: Reiki, Massage Therapy, Herbal Remedies & Classes


Everyone has a green place where they can find common medicinal plants. Whether it is a backyard, a nearby park, or your 100-acre estate, I guarantee there is a wild plant with medicinal qualities there. If you would like help identifying what is growing in your own backyard, I am available to walk with you and show you what you can use for yourself and your family’s health. Call Betty at the Labyrinth Center, 828-628-1706 to arrange an outing.

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Herbal Classes by Betty McKay

Have you ever pored through herb books, or looked up a plant’s picture in an ID book, or wondered how to actually go about making a tincture that you can feel confident using? Sometimes you just get to a point where you need a teacher to really SHOW you. That’s what I will do in my 2015 Herb Studies. It would be my pleasure to work with you whether you have previous knowledge or not. See the Herbal Class schedule under the Herbal Remedies tab at 828-628-1706

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After a lovely trip to the Pacific Northwest, it’s nice to be back in North Carolina. The green mountains are certainly my home. How very fortunate we are to live in one of the most bio-diverse areas in the world. And how fortunate for the making of traditional herbal remedies, as well. Check out the selection on our website, or call for a personalized consultation.

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We always pack a few “herbal first aid” items when We travel. Cold & Flu Blend, Tummy Stuff, Cosmic Comfort Salve, and a nice Lavender Sprintzer to clear the hotel room. At Fred’s Formulas, we make a nice packaged kit of the right things to take along, “just in case”.

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